Tuesday, March 30, 2010


March 30, 2010

Licking County Update
From…County Commissioner Tim Bubb

SPECIAL EDITION – New Jobs for Licking County …

Announcement was made today of a major new business that will locate in western Licking County.
In a cooperative effort the Licking County Economic Development Office and the Ohio Department of Development are welcoming Exel, Incorporated to the Etna Corporate Park off U-S Route 40. They will enter into a long term lease with Prologis to occupy a spec building on the site.
The good news was delivered today by Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith and Lisa Patt-McDaniel of the State Development Department.
Exel, Inc. is making a $16.9-million investment in Licking County, and will over the next three years create some 228-new good paying jobs.
This is a win for Ohio over South Carolina and several other states that were in the running for this development project. A combination of local incentives such as tax abatements and a Joint Economic Development Zone in Etna, combined with State incentives totaling some $572-thousand in the form of Ohio Job Creation Tax Credits and an Ohio Workforce Guarantee were the keys to bringing this major employer here.
The jobs at Exel, which is a leader in logistics, warehousing and distribution in the
U-S and Canada, will begin at $27-thousand per year. Within three years the annual payroll will amount to in excess of $6-million.
In addition to the hard work by the Licking County and State Development professionals, the company cited the outstanding location of Licking County in Ohio and the Midwest, and the excellent available workforce. The company also noted that Ohio’s favorable tax climate for businesses as a plus. Commissioner Smith added, work at the site will begin in three months and the facility will be operating fully by this Christmas season.
As soon as information becomes available on how and when hiring will begin, I will share that information.

Another Informational Note…

In my Commissioner update yesterday March 29th I shared some information from the Licking County Office of Litter and Recycling. It is reprinted below regarding the annual appliance and tire collections.
However, as noted, the appliance collection does not include stereos, small electronics, computers or TV’s.
I heard from one of my many E-Mail Update readers Ryan Meldahl, and he asked me to share the following information…

You may want to put a plug in for the Licking County Computer Society, who is having their bi-annual computer & electronics recycling day on Friday and Saturday, May 7th & 8th from 9:00am to 4:00pm each day.

Location…From the Route 16 Expressway, exit north on Cedar Street. Follow the signs to the corner of Oakwood Avenue and Chester Street. The collection will be at the south side of Contour Forming, the site of the former Heisey Glass Factory.

Note - Televisions, microwaves and Freon containing appliances not accepted.

The LCCS has been doing this, free of charge, for several years now (though we gladly accept financial donations to offset the costs of the drive).

This is a link to the flier:

(REPRINT FYI - April 22nd is Earth Day and County Litter and Recycling is making good things happen)

Licking County Recycling and Litter Prevention has again secured a grant through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to clean-up Newark City Parks. To be held on Saturday, April 17th, the goal is to clean-up 15 Newark City Parks and a stretch of the bike path, to make the area safer and a more environmentally friendly place.
So, after a long winter, it is time to ‘get active’. Here is how you, and your family and friends can help! Call Larry Lloyd to sign-up at 670-5128 by April 9th. They will provide bags, gloves and t-shirts for volunteers. After the areas are picked-up, the debris will be disposed of safely.

Also, note in May the upcoming tire and appliance collection event sponsored by the CFLP Solid Waste District.
On Saturday, May 15th the County Highway Garage at 771 East Main Street in east Newark will be the site for the tire and appliance recycling collection. The time is from 8:00am till 12-noon.
There is a small recycling fee of $3 for non-Freon appliances and $5 for Freon-based appliances, allowing them to be properly recycled. This event will not take stereos, small electronics, computers or TV’s.
The fee for tire disposal is $2 per passenger tires, $2 for light truck tires, $5 for semi-tires and $10 for tractor tires. This is cash only and a $1 fee if the tire is on the rim. This event is limited to Licking County residents only, tires from commercial operations WILL NOT be accepted, and there is a ten tire limit.

Thanks for taking time to read this Special Edition Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website … TimBubb.com, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at
tbubb@lcounty.com, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.

Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Licking County Commissioner

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