As we put the ‘cork in the bottle’ for 2010 and look with optimism toward 2011 - Marianne and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Happy New Year!
In this final County Commissioner e-mail newsletter of 2010 I would like to share a Year In-Review column written for the local media…
Licking County Commissioners - Year in Review 2010
In what has been a challenging year, I would like to share some thoughts about the achievements of your Licking County Government in a time of declining resources.
Much has been said recently about cutbacks, and any review of 2010 must begin with the effects of the recession. Unemployment in Licking County has declined from double digits to around nine percent by year end, with a number of employers hiring or planning to hire in 2011. A positive surge in economic activity happened this past year. A considerable increase was noted in commercial and industrial inquiries as our economic development professionals dealt with new business prospects on a level not seen since 2007.
Just to point to some of the successes – development is underway on several new businesses in the New Albany Industrial Park in Licking County, a major new business is locating in a new distribution facility in Etna, construction is underway for a new building with state of the art clean-rooms on the Port Authority site in Heath, a California glassmaker is finalizing plans to occupy a vacant industrial plant in Utica, the former Roper Plant site in Newark is being transformed into a viable ‘brown field’ industrial site for the future, and a number of other sites are seeing increased interest. In addition, the County in partnership with the State, Pataskala City and Etna Township will finish building a ‘development road’ through the JRS industrial site in western Licking County this spring.
The Complete Count Census Committee, for the County, continued its efforts though this past summer encouraging participation. Licking County residents responded with above average return of the Federal Census forms. The detailed Census results will be announced next year.
Licking County celebrated five years of selling surplus property on, coordinated by Deputy Clerk Pam Jones. In this half decade the County’s unneeded property sold for some $350-thousand. This is many times what the old County on-site auction would have generated.
A number of major water and sewer projects were moved forward to improve local quality of life. After years of discussion, the Commissioners and the Southwest Licking Community Water and Sewer District completed a service agreement for water and sewer services in specific areas of the new State Route 161 corridor. An extension of sewer lines was brought under I-70 to serve the Route 37 corridor to Luray. Improvement is underway to the Prescott Estates water system. The Harbor Hills water system was upgraded and monthly rates were lowered! Work continues to extend sewer services to Jacksontown and St. Louisville, and to find a safe drinking water solution for the Village of Gratiot. A contract extending an agreement between the County and the City of Pataskala to provide drinking water for the Beechwood Trails Subdivision and other areas in Harrison Township is awaiting approval.
Licking County Transit continues to grow and celebrated five years in its new headquarters building in east Newark. In 2011 they will take over all transportation for the County Board of Developmental Disabilities, a collaboration designed to eliminate duplication of services and conserve community resources.
Entering 2011 the County Government continues to manage and provide needed services in a declining budget situation. The 2011 budget represents a five percent cut in spending from 2010, while maintaining a minimal carryover. The interim budget for 2011 is balanced, and we are hopeful the national recovery will mean a stronger local economy in the year ahead. Considering the challenges, I’m proud to say it has been a year of achievement on a number of fronts.
The County continues to develop a comprehensive Records and Archives Program. Efforts are continuing to salvage precious permanent records, and to properly archive and store all County records, paper and electronic. Also, a records destruction program is underway, eliminating unneeded records, and saving resources and precious space.
The County’s Information Technologies Department completed a critically needed data back-up center to protect the millions of computer records and actions, encompassing all aspects of County Government.
It should be noted the County’s investment in paperless digital computer systems for processing work at both our Job & Family Services and Child Support Enforcement agencies has allowed them to keep up with less staff and an increasing workload. These improvements are critical at a time when State financial support for these State/Local operations is dwindling.
The County’s Animal Control Department continues to improve with continued emphasis on professional leadership and an aggressive adoption program supported by our community, several helpful rescue groups, and a small army of dedicated volunteers. County Animal Control is proud to have one of the lowest humane euthanasia rates in the state, with a vast majority of stray dogs either being returned to their owners, or finding new homes through rescue and local adoption. By the way, now is the time to buy dog licenses for 2011, to guarantee your dog a return home if he or she becomes displaced.
An effort began in 2010 to preserve and work toward restoration of the historic old County Jail in downtown Newark. Modeled after efforts at the Mansfield Reformatory, a number of ideas, some tourist-related, are being pursued.
In its first year the Licking County Building Code Enforcement Agency was a major success. The unincorporated areas of the County, and most of the areas serviced by municipal governments benefited from the continuation of residential and commercial building code plan review and inspections.
These highlights represent achievement for the people of Licking County in a challenging year, and on behalf of fellow Commissioners Doug Smith and Brad Feightner, I am proud to share them with you.
Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sharing my thoughts on the County Park District Levy, and some quick updates on positive things happening in Licking County…
In the upcoming election we the voters of Licking County are being asked to consider a small 0.2-mill (two tenths of a mill) levy to support the Licking Park District. I would ask you to join me in voting for this modest issue to provide support for our excellent park system. It is a 5-year levy request.
Just so you will know – the Licking Park District is a stand alone public entity that is the creation of the Juvenile-Probate Court. Judge Robert Hoover selects the District’s Trustees. They in turn operate this Countywide District that includes more than a dozen excellent parks, some 2-thousand acres of green space, and 28-miles of bike/recreation trails in the unincorporated areas.
The Park District has been unsuccessful in past levy attempts and has relied on contributions from the County General Fund for most of its support. However, due to continuing reduced budgets the Park District is feeling the financial squeeze. Park Director Russ Edgington says, “Without this levy support the District will be unable to maintain facilities, and will have to consider closing some or all of the parks.” I believe this is a major ‘quality of life issue’ and that the County Park District needs and will use ‘well’ this funding for the benefit of all!
A few quick notes on positive things happening in Licking County…
The Licking County Building Code Department, begun just a year ago, is performing very well. After a seamless handoff from the City of Newark, this leaner County Operation is serving the cities, townships, and most of the villages in Licking County with good and professional service. Please note – the Building Code Department is also paying its own way and is not a drain on the County’s diminishing resources. It has been a win-win situation; and this continues our community’s emphasis on safe and well constructed houses, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Economic Development, as always, is a major priority for the County. The good news is business prospects have increased considerably in 2010 – which is translating into new jobs. New projects are underway in the Etna Corporate Park, New Albany in Licking County, and at the Port Authority site in Heath. We continue to benefit from our excellent location here in Central Ohio and from the hard work of the County Development Team, and our many community partners!
In a related story, the Job Ready Site ‘Development Road’ in Pataskala City and Etna Township in progressing well. The Phase One section in Pataskala in just about complete, and the Phase Two section south in Etna is underway and will be completed by spring. This cooperative project, with the State Development Department, will open up several hundred acres of prime development ground in the next few years. It has been the efforts of your County Government, and our state and local partners that have made this happen!
The annual Courthouse Christmas Lighting Campaign has been extended until November 12th. Our Lighting Committee continues to make progress toward our 2010 community goal of $18,750. Contributions small or large are welcome and appreciated … Courthouse Lighting, P O Box 292, Newark, Ohio 43058-0292. If successful, the Courthouse will be fully decorated and lighted on November 26th. The Christmas Courthouse Lighting is a 62-year old local tradition!
Finally, you may have seen in the media details of our efforts to make something good happen with the historic and basically unused Old Licking County Jail in downtown Newark. We are currently using the site for a Records Destruction Center, as part of the County Records Department, and that is working well. However, there is a vision for a ‘not for profit group’ to evolve to operate and hopefully own this iconic structure for special events and possibly as a tourist destination. There have been many ideas for reusing the Old Jail since the 1980’s when it became obsolete as a jail. We are simply trying to think ‘outside the box’ and come up with a solution that can work and preserve this unique building – similar to the efforts that saved the historic old Mansfield Reformatory. Initial steps are underway and I will keep you posted. Anyone interested in the Old Jail restoration should let me know!
Thanks for taking time to read this October 2010 Commissioner Update.
Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
In the upcoming election we the voters of Licking County are being asked to consider a small 0.2-mill (two tenths of a mill) levy to support the Licking Park District. I would ask you to join me in voting for this modest issue to provide support for our excellent park system. It is a 5-year levy request.
Just so you will know – the Licking Park District is a stand alone public entity that is the creation of the Juvenile-Probate Court. Judge Robert Hoover selects the District’s Trustees. They in turn operate this Countywide District that includes more than a dozen excellent parks, some 2-thousand acres of green space, and 28-miles of bike/recreation trails in the unincorporated areas.
The Park District has been unsuccessful in past levy attempts and has relied on contributions from the County General Fund for most of its support. However, due to continuing reduced budgets the Park District is feeling the financial squeeze. Park Director Russ Edgington says, “Without this levy support the District will be unable to maintain facilities, and will have to consider closing some or all of the parks.” I believe this is a major ‘quality of life issue’ and that the County Park District needs and will use ‘well’ this funding for the benefit of all!
A few quick notes on positive things happening in Licking County…
The Licking County Building Code Department, begun just a year ago, is performing very well. After a seamless handoff from the City of Newark, this leaner County Operation is serving the cities, townships, and most of the villages in Licking County with good and professional service. Please note – the Building Code Department is also paying its own way and is not a drain on the County’s diminishing resources. It has been a win-win situation; and this continues our community’s emphasis on safe and well constructed houses, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Economic Development, as always, is a major priority for the County. The good news is business prospects have increased considerably in 2010 – which is translating into new jobs. New projects are underway in the Etna Corporate Park, New Albany in Licking County, and at the Port Authority site in Heath. We continue to benefit from our excellent location here in Central Ohio and from the hard work of the County Development Team, and our many community partners!
In a related story, the Job Ready Site ‘Development Road’ in Pataskala City and Etna Township in progressing well. The Phase One section in Pataskala in just about complete, and the Phase Two section south in Etna is underway and will be completed by spring. This cooperative project, with the State Development Department, will open up several hundred acres of prime development ground in the next few years. It has been the efforts of your County Government, and our state and local partners that have made this happen!
The annual Courthouse Christmas Lighting Campaign has been extended until November 12th. Our Lighting Committee continues to make progress toward our 2010 community goal of $18,750. Contributions small or large are welcome and appreciated … Courthouse Lighting, P O Box 292, Newark, Ohio 43058-0292. If successful, the Courthouse will be fully decorated and lighted on November 26th. The Christmas Courthouse Lighting is a 62-year old local tradition!
Finally, you may have seen in the media details of our efforts to make something good happen with the historic and basically unused Old Licking County Jail in downtown Newark. We are currently using the site for a Records Destruction Center, as part of the County Records Department, and that is working well. However, there is a vision for a ‘not for profit group’ to evolve to operate and hopefully own this iconic structure for special events and possibly as a tourist destination. There have been many ideas for reusing the Old Jail since the 1980’s when it became obsolete as a jail. We are simply trying to think ‘outside the box’ and come up with a solution that can work and preserve this unique building – similar to the efforts that saved the historic old Mansfield Reformatory. Initial steps are underway and I will keep you posted. Anyone interested in the Old Jail restoration should let me know!
Thanks for taking time to read this October 2010 Commissioner Update.
Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Monday, October 11, 2010
The 62nd annual Courthouse Holiday Lighting Campaign has raised $9,320 as of today (10-11-10), or just over 49-percent of the goal of $18,750.
The annual holiday lighting of the Courthouse has been the official start of the Christmas season in Licking County since 1949. Generations of local families return every season for the annual lighting ceremony. The Lighting Committee will organize the traditional arrival of Santa and a musical program for Friday evening, November 26th.
Sponsored by the Licking County Courthouse Lighting Committee this annual campaign raises monies for the installation, wiring and decorating of the Courthouse, Gazebo and the surrounding Courthouse Park. In addition, this year the Committee is continuing their efforts in the expensive conversion of the decorations and stringers from incandescent to more energy efficient and longer lasting LED lights. Community contributions will pay for the LED upgrading of the bulbs, replacement of worn equipment, and the removal of the decorations in January.
The Community Lighting Fundraising Campaign runs through this Friday, October 15th. Contributions are tax-deductible and may be sent to…Licking County Courthouse Lighting Committee, Post Office Box 292, Newark, Ohio 43058-0292.
At the conclusion of the fund raising effort members of the Lighting Committee will determine to what extent the Courthouse and grounds will be decorated for this year’s celebration.
Additional information on the project is available at the website
The annual holiday lighting of the Courthouse has been the official start of the Christmas season in Licking County since 1949. Generations of local families return every season for the annual lighting ceremony. The Lighting Committee will organize the traditional arrival of Santa and a musical program for Friday evening, November 26th.
Sponsored by the Licking County Courthouse Lighting Committee this annual campaign raises monies for the installation, wiring and decorating of the Courthouse, Gazebo and the surrounding Courthouse Park. In addition, this year the Committee is continuing their efforts in the expensive conversion of the decorations and stringers from incandescent to more energy efficient and longer lasting LED lights. Community contributions will pay for the LED upgrading of the bulbs, replacement of worn equipment, and the removal of the decorations in January.
The Community Lighting Fundraising Campaign runs through this Friday, October 15th. Contributions are tax-deductible and may be sent to…Licking County Courthouse Lighting Committee, Post Office Box 292, Newark, Ohio 43058-0292.
At the conclusion of the fund raising effort members of the Lighting Committee will determine to what extent the Courthouse and grounds will be decorated for this year’s celebration.
Additional information on the project is available at the website
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
It's Licking County Courthouse Christmas Lighting Time Again!
Since 1976 I have been part of the Courthouse Christmas Lighting Committee – it is starting to look like a lifetime commitment!
I would just like to share the recent New Release announcing the 2010 effort. If you are a traditional giver ‘thank you’ – and if you have never given have please know that we would welcome any contribution large or small.
*This has always been a grassroots effort paid for each year by individual contributors and business donations!
Most important – plan to bring family, friends, children, grandchildren, or whomever – to the Square in downtown Newark on November 26th (traditionally the Friday evening after Thanksgiving) for the annual Lighting Ceremony!
You know - it just wouldn’t be Christmas in Licking County without the brightly lit Courthouse and Square!!!
Here are the details…
[Contact: Jay Barker - (740) 321-1219 - e-mail or or Tim Bubb - (740) 323-3951 - e-mail]
The 62nd annual Courthouse Holiday Lighting Campaign kicked-off its annual community fund raising campaign Monday, September 27th (2010).
The annual holiday lighting of the Courthouse is the official start of the Christmas season in Licking County. This year’s 62nd consecutive lighting continues a tradition that began in 1949. Generations of local families return every season for the annual lighting ceremony and to enjoy the warm glow of the holiday decorated Courthouse. This fund raising campaign has a community goal this year of $18,750.
Sponsored by the Licking County Courthouse Lighting Committee this annual campaign raises monies for the installation, wiring and decorating of the Courthouse, Gazebo and the surrounding Courthouse Park. In addition, this year the Committee is continuing their efforts in the expensive conversion of the decorations and stringers from incandescent to more energy efficient and longer lasting LED lights. Community contributions will pay for the LED upgrading of the bulbs, replacement of worn equipment, and the removal of the decorations in January. The Lighting Committee will organize the traditional arrival of Santa and a musical program for Friday evening, November 26th.
The Community Lighting Fundraising Campaign will run through Friday, October 15th. At the conclusion of the fund raising effort members of the Lighting Committee will determine to what extent the Courthouse and grounds will be decorated for this year’s celebration. Additional information on the project is available at the website … .
Letters are being mailed asking area businesses and previous contributors to support this important local tradition. Contributions are tax-deductible and may be sent to…Licking County Courthouse Lighting Committee, Post Office Box 292, Newark, Ohio 43058-0292.
Thanks for taking time to read this Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Holiday Best Regards…Tim Bubb
I would just like to share the recent New Release announcing the 2010 effort. If you are a traditional giver ‘thank you’ – and if you have never given have please know that we would welcome any contribution large or small.
*This has always been a grassroots effort paid for each year by individual contributors and business donations!
Most important – plan to bring family, friends, children, grandchildren, or whomever – to the Square in downtown Newark on November 26th (traditionally the Friday evening after Thanksgiving) for the annual Lighting Ceremony!
You know - it just wouldn’t be Christmas in Licking County without the brightly lit Courthouse and Square!!!
Here are the details…
[Contact: Jay Barker - (740) 321-1219 - e-mail or or Tim Bubb - (740) 323-3951 - e-mail]
The 62nd annual Courthouse Holiday Lighting Campaign kicked-off its annual community fund raising campaign Monday, September 27th (2010).
The annual holiday lighting of the Courthouse is the official start of the Christmas season in Licking County. This year’s 62nd consecutive lighting continues a tradition that began in 1949. Generations of local families return every season for the annual lighting ceremony and to enjoy the warm glow of the holiday decorated Courthouse. This fund raising campaign has a community goal this year of $18,750.
Sponsored by the Licking County Courthouse Lighting Committee this annual campaign raises monies for the installation, wiring and decorating of the Courthouse, Gazebo and the surrounding Courthouse Park. In addition, this year the Committee is continuing their efforts in the expensive conversion of the decorations and stringers from incandescent to more energy efficient and longer lasting LED lights. Community contributions will pay for the LED upgrading of the bulbs, replacement of worn equipment, and the removal of the decorations in January. The Lighting Committee will organize the traditional arrival of Santa and a musical program for Friday evening, November 26th.
The Community Lighting Fundraising Campaign will run through Friday, October 15th. At the conclusion of the fund raising effort members of the Lighting Committee will determine to what extent the Courthouse and grounds will be decorated for this year’s celebration. Additional information on the project is available at the website … .
Letters are being mailed asking area businesses and previous contributors to support this important local tradition. Contributions are tax-deductible and may be sent to…Licking County Courthouse Lighting Committee, Post Office Box 292, Newark, Ohio 43058-0292.
Thanks for taking time to read this Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Holiday Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Friday, August 20, 2010
Enviromental Event Saturday, August 21st
August 20, 2010
Special Event - Reminder
From … County Commissioner Tim Bubb
TOMORROW (Saturday, August 21st) in conjunction with the CFLP Solid Waste District, Licking County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held from 8:00 am till Noon. The location will be the Newark Campus of OSU and COTC.
In know – I know – I have mentioned this event a couple of times in recent months. But if you are like me – we tend to procrastinate and not have the items below rounded up and ready for disposal.
So just a quick reminder to take your stuff tomorrow (Saturday, August 21st) to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection!
Proper disposal these types of materials listed below might save the life of a pet or even a child in the months and years ahead. We all have purchased or inherited items like these, and stored them ‘out of sight and out of mind’, but they don’t go away unless you safely take them to this annual event for proper disposal. So one final time – please accept this reminder…
* Please clean out your garages, sheds and basement looking for these items that will be accepted…acids, antifreeze, batteries, brake fluid, carpet cleaner, chlorine, contact cement, creosote, diesel fuel, drain cleaners, engine degreaser, fertilizer, floor adhesive, fuel oil, fungicides, floor stripper, furniture wax, gas cylinders, gasoline (old), glass cleaners, herbicides, insecticides, kerosene, lighter fluid, linseed oil, mercury, metal primers, mineral spirits, oil sprays, oven cleaners, paint thinner, pesticides, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, rat poison, rubber adhesives, rubbing alcohol, solvents, spot removers, tile adhesive, transmission fluid, turpentine, upholstery cleaner, varnish, waste oils, wood preservers, and wood sealers.
* Note – paint, tires and appliances will not be accepted at this Saturday, August 21st event.
Feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Special Event - Reminder
From … County Commissioner Tim Bubb
TOMORROW (Saturday, August 21st) in conjunction with the CFLP Solid Waste District, Licking County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held from 8:00 am till Noon. The location will be the Newark Campus of OSU and COTC.
In know – I know – I have mentioned this event a couple of times in recent months. But if you are like me – we tend to procrastinate and not have the items below rounded up and ready for disposal.
So just a quick reminder to take your stuff tomorrow (Saturday, August 21st) to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection!
Proper disposal these types of materials listed below might save the life of a pet or even a child in the months and years ahead. We all have purchased or inherited items like these, and stored them ‘out of sight and out of mind’, but they don’t go away unless you safely take them to this annual event for proper disposal. So one final time – please accept this reminder…
* Please clean out your garages, sheds and basement looking for these items that will be accepted…acids, antifreeze, batteries, brake fluid, carpet cleaner, chlorine, contact cement, creosote, diesel fuel, drain cleaners, engine degreaser, fertilizer, floor adhesive, fuel oil, fungicides, floor stripper, furniture wax, gas cylinders, gasoline (old), glass cleaners, herbicides, insecticides, kerosene, lighter fluid, linseed oil, mercury, metal primers, mineral spirits, oil sprays, oven cleaners, paint thinner, pesticides, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, rat poison, rubber adhesives, rubbing alcohol, solvents, spot removers, tile adhesive, transmission fluid, turpentine, upholstery cleaner, varnish, waste oils, wood preservers, and wood sealers.
* Note – paint, tires and appliances will not be accepted at this Saturday, August 21st event.
Feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tim Bubb Commissioner Update - July 20, 2010
The 152nd annual Hartford Fair is just three weeks away and this year will feature one of the nation’s most popular attractions. The Budweiser Clydesdales will be at the Fairgrounds in Croton most of the Fair week, and will be featured on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday; August 11th thru the 14th.
The traveling team of a dozen Clydesdales, with their ornate wagon, will arrive on Monday of Fair week. On the four performance days the public can view the hitching process from 4:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, and the big horses and their rig will be on parade around the Fairgrounds from 5:30 to 7:30 each of the four evenings. The visit is in cooperation with local beer and wine distributor the Matesich Company.
For details on the many other highlights of the upcoming Hartford Fair I suggest you visit their website at
A pair of bridge replacements will take place this summer in southern Licking County. The Licking County Engineer says that Ohio Public Works money has been secured for the replacement of the bridges on White Chapel and Myrtle Roads. The bridges are near each other, and the total cost for replacement is $622,676. Individually the White Chapel project is $360,400 and Myrtle Road is $262,276. The work will be accomplished by the U.S. Bridge Corporation out of Cambridge. Traffic will be rerouted during construction.
A new use will begin shortly for the old Licking County Jail on South Third Street in downtown Newark. As a part of the County’s excellent new Records Program, it is necessary to properly destroyed old records that are not needed, out of date, and no longer required to be stored. In creating the Records Program we discovered mountains of such records stored in the attic of the Courthouse, in the old jail, and taking up space in a number of other buildings.
To save money several county departments went together to purchase a heavy duty industrial grade paper shredder, as opposed to sending the old records out to a vendor at a much greater cost. And to further save money the shredding or records destruction operation will be located in the old jail which has been unused for over a decade, and is the perfect location for a job that is a bit noisy and dusty. I hope you appreciate the reuse of an existing resource to save money, and at the same time begin making a dent in what has been a long ignored old records issue. The grinding will begin shortly!
The recent (July 11th) ‘Summertime Sundays’ kickoff event at Licking County Animal was a major success. A special thanks to Paula Evans, John Silva and Jon Luzio, along with Tri County Chrysler Dodge Jeep, the Animal Control staff and dozens of great volunteers for an outstanding open house type event. In addition to making better the already fine reputation of County Animal Control, the event also resulted in the adoption of 13 dogs and three cats that day. What a great day for all concerned! These new public hours at the Animal Shelter on Dogleg Road in Heath will continue throughout the summer on Sunday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, with the hope they can continue.
Finally, just a quick reminder. An environmental event is planned for August 21st. In conjunction with the CFLP Solid Waste District, Licking County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held on that Saturday from 8:00 am till Noon. The location will be the Newark Campus of OSU and COTC.
* As you clean our garages and sheds this summer be looking for these items that will be accepted…acids, antifreeze, batteries, brake fluid, carpet cleaner, chlorine, contact cement, creosote, diesel fuel, drain cleaners, engine degreaser, fertilizer, floor adhesive, fuel oil, fungicides, floor stripper, furniture wax, gas cylinders, gasoline (old), glass cleaners, herbicides, insecticides, kerosene, lighter fluid, linseed oil, mercury, metal primers, mineral spirits, oil sprays, oven cleaners, paint thinner, pesticides, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, rat poison, rubber adhesives, rubbing alcohol, solvents, spot removers, tile adhesive, transmission fluid, turpentine, upholstery cleaner, varnish, waste oils, wood preservers, and wood sealers.
* Note – paint, tires and appliances will not be accepted at this August 21st event.
Thanks for taking time to read this July 20, 2010 Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
The traveling team of a dozen Clydesdales, with their ornate wagon, will arrive on Monday of Fair week. On the four performance days the public can view the hitching process from 4:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, and the big horses and their rig will be on parade around the Fairgrounds from 5:30 to 7:30 each of the four evenings. The visit is in cooperation with local beer and wine distributor the Matesich Company.
For details on the many other highlights of the upcoming Hartford Fair I suggest you visit their website at
A pair of bridge replacements will take place this summer in southern Licking County. The Licking County Engineer says that Ohio Public Works money has been secured for the replacement of the bridges on White Chapel and Myrtle Roads. The bridges are near each other, and the total cost for replacement is $622,676. Individually the White Chapel project is $360,400 and Myrtle Road is $262,276. The work will be accomplished by the U.S. Bridge Corporation out of Cambridge. Traffic will be rerouted during construction.
A new use will begin shortly for the old Licking County Jail on South Third Street in downtown Newark. As a part of the County’s excellent new Records Program, it is necessary to properly destroyed old records that are not needed, out of date, and no longer required to be stored. In creating the Records Program we discovered mountains of such records stored in the attic of the Courthouse, in the old jail, and taking up space in a number of other buildings.
To save money several county departments went together to purchase a heavy duty industrial grade paper shredder, as opposed to sending the old records out to a vendor at a much greater cost. And to further save money the shredding or records destruction operation will be located in the old jail which has been unused for over a decade, and is the perfect location for a job that is a bit noisy and dusty. I hope you appreciate the reuse of an existing resource to save money, and at the same time begin making a dent in what has been a long ignored old records issue. The grinding will begin shortly!
The recent (July 11th) ‘Summertime Sundays’ kickoff event at Licking County Animal was a major success. A special thanks to Paula Evans, John Silva and Jon Luzio, along with Tri County Chrysler Dodge Jeep, the Animal Control staff and dozens of great volunteers for an outstanding open house type event. In addition to making better the already fine reputation of County Animal Control, the event also resulted in the adoption of 13 dogs and three cats that day. What a great day for all concerned! These new public hours at the Animal Shelter on Dogleg Road in Heath will continue throughout the summer on Sunday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, with the hope they can continue.
Finally, just a quick reminder. An environmental event is planned for August 21st. In conjunction with the CFLP Solid Waste District, Licking County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held on that Saturday from 8:00 am till Noon. The location will be the Newark Campus of OSU and COTC.
* As you clean our garages and sheds this summer be looking for these items that will be accepted…acids, antifreeze, batteries, brake fluid, carpet cleaner, chlorine, contact cement, creosote, diesel fuel, drain cleaners, engine degreaser, fertilizer, floor adhesive, fuel oil, fungicides, floor stripper, furniture wax, gas cylinders, gasoline (old), glass cleaners, herbicides, insecticides, kerosene, lighter fluid, linseed oil, mercury, metal primers, mineral spirits, oil sprays, oven cleaners, paint thinner, pesticides, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, rat poison, rubber adhesives, rubbing alcohol, solvents, spot removers, tile adhesive, transmission fluid, turpentine, upholstery cleaner, varnish, waste oils, wood preservers, and wood sealers.
* Note – paint, tires and appliances will not be accepted at this August 21st event.
Thanks for taking time to read this July 20, 2010 Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Friday, July 9, 2010
July 2010 Update From Licking County (Ohio) Commissioner Tim Bubb
Just a quick preview of some of the events I will be taking part in this weekend (July 10 & 11) in Licking County!
This Saturday (July 10th) you are invited to Johnstown for the annual Fire Department Association’s annual festival and parade. The theme of the parade is ‘Mardi Gras’ and it steps off at Noon (Saturday) from Johnstown High School and heads north on Route 37 to the downtown area.
This is always a fun time. And Saturday afternoon at 3:00pm the Johnstown community will gather downtown to dedicate the restored cupola on the historic township building. I will be in the parade with my good friend Brutus Buckeye – hope to see you there!
Also, this Saturday (7/10) the Annual Newark Jazz and Ribs Fest is featured downtown on the Courthouse Square. Benefitting the Licking County Humane Society this lawn chair type event features a number of vendors preparing mouth watering ribs and several excellent musical groups performing throughout the day from the Gazebo. Newark’s Jazz and Ribs Fest runs this Saturday from Noon till 8:00pm.
* Do as I usually do and have plenty of napkins on hand!
This Sunday (July 11th) you are invited to the Kirkersville United Methodist Church (180 East Main Street (Rt. 40) in Kirkersville) for their annual Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social and a special unveiling.
Across Ohio a series of attractive and informative National Road Interpretive Signs are being placed this year, and this Sunday at midday that will be the case in Kirkersville.
On hand to unveil the ‘Kirkersville Interpretive Sign’ will be Ohio National Road President Cyndie Gerken and Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith. Commissioner Smith is sponsoring this local sign, and is a driving force in the National Road Association, as well as being an authority on the history of U.S. Route 40.
In addition, the Kirkersville U.M. Church’s 10:45am Sunday service will feature Doug Smith with a talk on historic quilts (that will be displayed), as well as some history on the National Road and Kirkersville, complete with vintage photos. It promises to be an interesting morning and midday event, and the public is invited!
In addition to this Kirkersville unveiling event this Sunday (7/11). The unveiling of a Hebron National Road Interpretive Sign this coming Wednesday, July 14th at 2:00pm at the Municipal Building at 934 West Main Street in Hebron. The public is invited to that event as well!
Finally, this Sunday afternoon (7/11) you are invited to the Licking County Animal Shelter in Heath to help celebrate the beginning of our new Summer Sunday hours. Between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sundays this summer we will be open to better serve the community. This event this Sunday promises to be fun family event – hope you arrange your schedule to attend. You might even leave with a new friend!
Here is a news release detailing the event…
The Licking County Animal Shelter will mark the beginning of Sunday afternoon hours with a special community celebration called “Summertime Sundays – Find Your Best Friend” on Sunday July 11th.
According to Animal Shelter Office Manager John Silva, the idea is to provide another opportunity for shelter volunteers to help people look for their lost pet or find a new best friend. The shelter will have “open house” hours for walk-in customers at the County shelter at 544 Dog Leg Rd. in Heath on Sunday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
Silva adds, the new summer Sunday “open house’ hours allow our many volunteers more time to exercise, groom and socialize our animals. This will help them look their “Sunday best” and find a loving home. New, additional County staffing to care for the animals helps make this program possible.
Licking County Humane Agent Paula Evans, who is coordinating the July 11th Super Sunday festivities, says Heath auto dealership Tri County Chrysler Dodge Jeep is sponsoring this Sunday kick-off event. The purpose is to promote volunteerism, and dog or cat adoptions at the County Animal Shelter, and to have a family oriented fun filled day mingling with the furry friends; as well as with the employees, volunteers and the public. The event will feature a cookout with free food and a radio remote with T-100 (WCLT-FM).
The public is invited to attend and learn about pet adoptions from the volunteers and staff. Animals available for adoption will have been vaccinated, and a bio for the animal will provide helpful information. In addition, there will be information on the “First Choice” adoption process, low-cost spay/neuter, lost and found website, responsible pet ownership, and dog licensing.
Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb says, the involvement of Tri County Chrysler Dodge Jeep, and the volunteers and staff of the County Animal Shelter, will make for an enjoyable Sunday afternoon July 11th event. Bubb adds the hope is that many area residents will visit the facility off Hopewell Drive in Heath and learn about ‘adopting a friend (dog or cat)’. The County Commissioners hope this expanded Sunday afternoon service this summer is a success and can be continued.
Thanks for taking time to read this July 2010 Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
This Saturday (July 10th) you are invited to Johnstown for the annual Fire Department Association’s annual festival and parade. The theme of the parade is ‘Mardi Gras’ and it steps off at Noon (Saturday) from Johnstown High School and heads north on Route 37 to the downtown area.
This is always a fun time. And Saturday afternoon at 3:00pm the Johnstown community will gather downtown to dedicate the restored cupola on the historic township building. I will be in the parade with my good friend Brutus Buckeye – hope to see you there!
Also, this Saturday (7/10) the Annual Newark Jazz and Ribs Fest is featured downtown on the Courthouse Square. Benefitting the Licking County Humane Society this lawn chair type event features a number of vendors preparing mouth watering ribs and several excellent musical groups performing throughout the day from the Gazebo. Newark’s Jazz and Ribs Fest runs this Saturday from Noon till 8:00pm.
* Do as I usually do and have plenty of napkins on hand!
This Sunday (July 11th) you are invited to the Kirkersville United Methodist Church (180 East Main Street (Rt. 40) in Kirkersville) for their annual Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social and a special unveiling.
Across Ohio a series of attractive and informative National Road Interpretive Signs are being placed this year, and this Sunday at midday that will be the case in Kirkersville.
On hand to unveil the ‘Kirkersville Interpretive Sign’ will be Ohio National Road President Cyndie Gerken and Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith. Commissioner Smith is sponsoring this local sign, and is a driving force in the National Road Association, as well as being an authority on the history of U.S. Route 40.
In addition, the Kirkersville U.M. Church’s 10:45am Sunday service will feature Doug Smith with a talk on historic quilts (that will be displayed), as well as some history on the National Road and Kirkersville, complete with vintage photos. It promises to be an interesting morning and midday event, and the public is invited!
In addition to this Kirkersville unveiling event this Sunday (7/11). The unveiling of a Hebron National Road Interpretive Sign this coming Wednesday, July 14th at 2:00pm at the Municipal Building at 934 West Main Street in Hebron. The public is invited to that event as well!
Finally, this Sunday afternoon (7/11) you are invited to the Licking County Animal Shelter in Heath to help celebrate the beginning of our new Summer Sunday hours. Between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Sundays this summer we will be open to better serve the community. This event this Sunday promises to be fun family event – hope you arrange your schedule to attend. You might even leave with a new friend!
Here is a news release detailing the event…
The Licking County Animal Shelter will mark the beginning of Sunday afternoon hours with a special community celebration called “Summertime Sundays – Find Your Best Friend” on Sunday July 11th.
According to Animal Shelter Office Manager John Silva, the idea is to provide another opportunity for shelter volunteers to help people look for their lost pet or find a new best friend. The shelter will have “open house” hours for walk-in customers at the County shelter at 544 Dog Leg Rd. in Heath on Sunday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
Silva adds, the new summer Sunday “open house’ hours allow our many volunteers more time to exercise, groom and socialize our animals. This will help them look their “Sunday best” and find a loving home. New, additional County staffing to care for the animals helps make this program possible.
Licking County Humane Agent Paula Evans, who is coordinating the July 11th Super Sunday festivities, says Heath auto dealership Tri County Chrysler Dodge Jeep is sponsoring this Sunday kick-off event. The purpose is to promote volunteerism, and dog or cat adoptions at the County Animal Shelter, and to have a family oriented fun filled day mingling with the furry friends; as well as with the employees, volunteers and the public. The event will feature a cookout with free food and a radio remote with T-100 (WCLT-FM).
The public is invited to attend and learn about pet adoptions from the volunteers and staff. Animals available for adoption will have been vaccinated, and a bio for the animal will provide helpful information. In addition, there will be information on the “First Choice” adoption process, low-cost spay/neuter, lost and found website, responsible pet ownership, and dog licensing.
Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb says, the involvement of Tri County Chrysler Dodge Jeep, and the volunteers and staff of the County Animal Shelter, will make for an enjoyable Sunday afternoon July 11th event. Bubb adds the hope is that many area residents will visit the facility off Hopewell Drive in Heath and learn about ‘adopting a friend (dog or cat)’. The County Commissioners hope this expanded Sunday afternoon service this summer is a success and can be continued.
Thanks for taking time to read this July 2010 Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
5th Annual U S Route 40 National Road Celebration
UPDATE Information
From: Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb…
This is the week and weekend for the annual National Road – U S Route 40 Celebration – that includes the 32-miles of Route 40 here in Licking County, Ohio.
My friend Charla Devine, of Devine Farms near Hebron, is one of the promoters of ‘all things’ Route 40 – and I would like to share with you Charla’s news release. There will be a lot of excitement along the National Road in many of the small towns and villages between June 2nd (tomorrow) and June 6th (this weekend). * Note - Mostly on Saturday and Sunday! Here is her information…
What: 5th Annual National Road Yard Sale Days –
32 miles of Yard Sales…and a Car Cruise too!
When: Wednesday, June 2nd - Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Where: Along the National Road - U S Route 40 in Licking County. See for individual listings.
Sale locations vary along the road with most sales being on Friday & Saturday (June 5th & 6th).
** The Big Community Day Sale will be Saturday, June 5th from 9 am to 5 pm.
All of the "pike towns" along the road will be having BIG Super Saturday Sales. The Pike Towns involved from west to east include: Kirkersville, Hebron, Jacksontown, Brownsville & Gratiot.
Buyers will be able to park their cars and walk to bargains galore in all of these towns!
New this year - Car Cruise on Saturday, June 5th Weather permitting, the Car Cruise will leave Gratiot at 11:30 am and drive west on U S Route 40 to Kirkersville. The rolling Car Cruise will then turn around outside of Kirkersville and return to Hayman's Dairy Bar in downtown Hebron for a "Cruise In". Contact for Car Cruise details: Jim Matheny, 740-522-6635 or cell 740-334-1823.
* Also, the Village of Hebron will have interpretive display panels about the Historic National Road during the month of June. This is a free exhibit and may be viewed Monday - Friday during normal business hours. The Village of Hebron's Municipal Complex is located on Route 40 between State Routes 79 & 37 just west of the center of town.
Historical Background on the National Road:
This Annual Event is a fun way to promote the National Road-US 40 which is designated an All American Road. The National Road was conceived under President George Washington as a road that would bridge the Allegheny Mountains. A bill authorizing the road was signed into law by President Thomas Jefferson in 1806. The National Road became America’s first federally funded highway. It travels through six states beginning in Maryland and ten counties in Ohio.
The Road entered Ohio from the east in 1825. In Ohio, Licking County has the most miles – 32 miles. Route 40 immediately attracted travelers and commerce, and opened our state and much of the Northwest Territory to settlements and access to Ohio products. The National Road has been designated as an ‘All American Road’ and a ‘National Scenic Byway’.
From: Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb…
This is the week and weekend for the annual National Road – U S Route 40 Celebration – that includes the 32-miles of Route 40 here in Licking County, Ohio.
My friend Charla Devine, of Devine Farms near Hebron, is one of the promoters of ‘all things’ Route 40 – and I would like to share with you Charla’s news release. There will be a lot of excitement along the National Road in many of the small towns and villages between June 2nd (tomorrow) and June 6th (this weekend). * Note - Mostly on Saturday and Sunday! Here is her information…
What: 5th Annual National Road Yard Sale Days –
32 miles of Yard Sales…and a Car Cruise too!
When: Wednesday, June 2nd - Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Where: Along the National Road - U S Route 40 in Licking County. See for individual listings.
Sale locations vary along the road with most sales being on Friday & Saturday (June 5th & 6th).
** The Big Community Day Sale will be Saturday, June 5th from 9 am to 5 pm.
All of the "pike towns" along the road will be having BIG Super Saturday Sales. The Pike Towns involved from west to east include: Kirkersville, Hebron, Jacksontown, Brownsville & Gratiot.
Buyers will be able to park their cars and walk to bargains galore in all of these towns!
New this year - Car Cruise on Saturday, June 5th Weather permitting, the Car Cruise will leave Gratiot at 11:30 am and drive west on U S Route 40 to Kirkersville. The rolling Car Cruise will then turn around outside of Kirkersville and return to Hayman's Dairy Bar in downtown Hebron for a "Cruise In". Contact for Car Cruise details: Jim Matheny, 740-522-6635 or cell 740-334-1823.
* Also, the Village of Hebron will have interpretive display panels about the Historic National Road during the month of June. This is a free exhibit and may be viewed Monday - Friday during normal business hours. The Village of Hebron's Municipal Complex is located on Route 40 between State Routes 79 & 37 just west of the center of town.
Historical Background on the National Road:
This Annual Event is a fun way to promote the National Road-US 40 which is designated an All American Road. The National Road was conceived under President George Washington as a road that would bridge the Allegheny Mountains. A bill authorizing the road was signed into law by President Thomas Jefferson in 1806. The National Road became America’s first federally funded highway. It travels through six states beginning in Maryland and ten counties in Ohio.
The Road entered Ohio from the east in 1825. In Ohio, Licking County has the most miles – 32 miles. Route 40 immediately attracted travelers and commerce, and opened our state and much of the Northwest Territory to settlements and access to Ohio products. The National Road has been designated as an ‘All American Road’ and a ‘National Scenic Byway’.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Commissioner Tim Bubb May 2010 Update
Just some quick updates on things positive things happening in Licking County…
The ‘Tire and Appliance Collection Event’ sponsored last Saturday by the County Litter and Recycling Department was a major success. According to Director Larry Lloyd, our crew, working out of the County Highway Garage, collected 1,124 tires (including a large number of truck and tractor tires) and 54 appliances. Great job encouraging recycling and keep these items out of the landfill.
Another environmental event is planned for August 21st. In conjunction with the CFLP Solid Waste District, Licking County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held on that Saturday from 8:00 am till Noon. The location will be the Newark Campus of OSU and COTC.
* As you clean our garages and sheds this spring be looking for these items that will be accepted…acids, antifreeze, batteries, brake fluid, carpet cleaner, chlorine, contact cement, creosote, diesel fuel, drain cleaners, engine degreaser, fertilizer, floor adhesive, fuel oil, fungicides, floor stripper, furniture wax, gas cylinders, gasoline (old), glass cleaners, herbicides, insecticides, kerosene, lighter fluid, linseed oil, mercury, metal primers, mineral spirits, oil sprays, oven cleaners, paint thinner, pesticides, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, rat poison, rubber adhesives, rubbing alcohol, solvents, spot removers, tile adhesive, transmission fluid, turpentine, upholstery cleaner, varnish, waste oils, wood preservers, and wood sealers.
* Note – paint, tires and appliances will not be accepted at this August 21st event.
Last year Licking County Government received a $1.062-million Neighborhood Stabilization Grant. Community Development specialists are continuing the process of identifying residential properties considered to be blighted and abandoned.
Presently the County has identified 45 individual residential properties in various stage of being ready for the actual demolition. Of the 45, five bids have been awarded. Communities and townships that will benefit include…Pataskala, Hebron, Hartford, Jacksontown, Etna and Harrison.
The removal of the several dozen run down properties over the next three years will benefit neighborhoods and improve the quality of life in Licking County. It has been proven that when left abandoned, structures such as these often are havens for criminal activity, and arson; as well as reducing surrounding property values and acting as a deterrent for future economic ventures.
Development News...
On Tuesday of this week the Newark, Heath, Licking County Port Authority celebrated its 15th anniversary with the groundbreaking building. The $3.4-million spec building, on the former Air Force Base site, will be some 43-thousand square feet and will include office space and five new ‘clean rooms’.
Some 16-thousand square feet, including one ‘clean room’, will be occupied by Goodrich Corporation. Goodrich acquired Atlantic Inertial Systems (AIS) in December. AIS was a major tenant of the Port Authority, and the new facility is expected to retain jobs here, and potentially create new workload as well. The County assisted in the bond financing package allowing for the project. Robertson Construction Company of Heath will build the new facility.
Those wielding shovels at the groundbreaking included…Heath Mayor Mark Johns, Mary Jane McDonald of the Port Authority Board, Carolyn Matthews, Site Director for Goodrich, Stephen Laymen of the Port Authority Board, County Commissioner Tim Bubb and County Commissioner Doug Smith. Others on hand included community leaders, development officials, and other Port Authority Board Members and Port Authority tenants and staff.
Concluding with a salute to several outstanding senior citizens…
On May 12th eight local senior citizens were inducted into the Licking County Senior Hall of Fame. They included Dana and Betty Hammond (nominated by the Presbyterian Women of Second Presbyterian Church), Edwin Goslin (nominated by Arlington Care Center), Doug Brownfield (nominated by Bruce Black), John and Annalou Campbell (nominated by Hospice of Central Ohio), and E.J. and Barb Franks (nominated by the Licking County Aging Program).
Commissioner Brad Feightner and I were on hand for the event.
Today (May 19th) Dana and Betty Hammond were further honored as the Licking County 2010 inductees into the Central Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. Commissioner Doug Smith represented our Board at the ceremonies at the Janis Center of the State Fairgrounds in Columbus.
Congratulations of Dana and Betty for their regional honor, and the local winners as well!
Thanks for taking time to read this May 2010 Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
The ‘Tire and Appliance Collection Event’ sponsored last Saturday by the County Litter and Recycling Department was a major success. According to Director Larry Lloyd, our crew, working out of the County Highway Garage, collected 1,124 tires (including a large number of truck and tractor tires) and 54 appliances. Great job encouraging recycling and keep these items out of the landfill.
Another environmental event is planned for August 21st. In conjunction with the CFLP Solid Waste District, Licking County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection will be held on that Saturday from 8:00 am till Noon. The location will be the Newark Campus of OSU and COTC.
* As you clean our garages and sheds this spring be looking for these items that will be accepted…acids, antifreeze, batteries, brake fluid, carpet cleaner, chlorine, contact cement, creosote, diesel fuel, drain cleaners, engine degreaser, fertilizer, floor adhesive, fuel oil, fungicides, floor stripper, furniture wax, gas cylinders, gasoline (old), glass cleaners, herbicides, insecticides, kerosene, lighter fluid, linseed oil, mercury, metal primers, mineral spirits, oil sprays, oven cleaners, paint thinner, pesticides, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, rat poison, rubber adhesives, rubbing alcohol, solvents, spot removers, tile adhesive, transmission fluid, turpentine, upholstery cleaner, varnish, waste oils, wood preservers, and wood sealers.
* Note – paint, tires and appliances will not be accepted at this August 21st event.
Last year Licking County Government received a $1.062-million Neighborhood Stabilization Grant. Community Development specialists are continuing the process of identifying residential properties considered to be blighted and abandoned.
Presently the County has identified 45 individual residential properties in various stage of being ready for the actual demolition. Of the 45, five bids have been awarded. Communities and townships that will benefit include…Pataskala, Hebron, Hartford, Jacksontown, Etna and Harrison.
The removal of the several dozen run down properties over the next three years will benefit neighborhoods and improve the quality of life in Licking County. It has been proven that when left abandoned, structures such as these often are havens for criminal activity, and arson; as well as reducing surrounding property values and acting as a deterrent for future economic ventures.
Development News...
On Tuesday of this week the Newark, Heath, Licking County Port Authority celebrated its 15th anniversary with the groundbreaking building. The $3.4-million spec building, on the former Air Force Base site, will be some 43-thousand square feet and will include office space and five new ‘clean rooms’.
Some 16-thousand square feet, including one ‘clean room’, will be occupied by Goodrich Corporation. Goodrich acquired Atlantic Inertial Systems (AIS) in December. AIS was a major tenant of the Port Authority, and the new facility is expected to retain jobs here, and potentially create new workload as well. The County assisted in the bond financing package allowing for the project. Robertson Construction Company of Heath will build the new facility.
Those wielding shovels at the groundbreaking included…Heath Mayor Mark Johns, Mary Jane McDonald of the Port Authority Board, Carolyn Matthews, Site Director for Goodrich, Stephen Laymen of the Port Authority Board, County Commissioner Tim Bubb and County Commissioner Doug Smith. Others on hand included community leaders, development officials, and other Port Authority Board Members and Port Authority tenants and staff.
Concluding with a salute to several outstanding senior citizens…
On May 12th eight local senior citizens were inducted into the Licking County Senior Hall of Fame. They included Dana and Betty Hammond (nominated by the Presbyterian Women of Second Presbyterian Church), Edwin Goslin (nominated by Arlington Care Center), Doug Brownfield (nominated by Bruce Black), John and Annalou Campbell (nominated by Hospice of Central Ohio), and E.J. and Barb Franks (nominated by the Licking County Aging Program).
Commissioner Brad Feightner and I were on hand for the event.
Today (May 19th) Dana and Betty Hammond were further honored as the Licking County 2010 inductees into the Central Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. Commissioner Doug Smith represented our Board at the ceremonies at the Janis Center of the State Fairgrounds in Columbus.
Congratulations of Dana and Betty for their regional honor, and the local winners as well!
Thanks for taking time to read this May 2010 Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Endorsing Doug Smith for ReElection as Licking County Commissioner
April 29, 2010
Personal Note from Tim Bubb…
Primary Election Day is next Tuesday, May 4th, and the polling places in Licking County will be open from 6:30am till 7:30pm. Also, more than 11-thousand absentee ballots have been mailed to County voters who requested them. Always a timely reminder to get them finished and in the return mail before or by Election Day.
* Check the Board of Elections website at if you have voting questions or call the BOE staff at 740-670-5080.
People do ask my opinion about the contested commissioner race, which on May 4th will feature a three-person Republican Primary contest for one of the three seats on the Board of Commissioners.
* If you have already voted and/or don’t care about my opinion in this race – feel free to stop reading here or delete. I never mean to impose my opinion, so it is your choice to keep reading!
Thanks for continuing! In the race for commissioner you have an incumbent commissioner and two challengers in the GOP Primary. FYI, there is no contested commissioner primary on the democratic side.
Regarding the Republican Primary - frankly this recommendation is an easy call. By far the most qualified candidate – in all respects - is incumbent Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith. Doug Smith served seven productive terms as a Harrison Township Trustee. He was appointed Commissioner in 2005 replacing Jay Baird, and in 2006 was elected county wide as commissioner.
Doug Smith is an Air Force veteran, a longtime successful local businessman, and is one of the best respected and most well informed people serving in County government. Doug was a true fiscal conservative before that term became just another political buzz word or phrase.
I serve with Doug Smith as commissioner, and I can say, without reservation, that he is one of the most intelligent and thoughtful individuals I have ever met, in any walk of life. He has earned our collective community respect through a lifetime of hard work and achievement!
Let me say simply – Doug Smith is the exact kind of person we all want in public office. Whenever Doug faces a tough decision his first question is always – is it the right thing to do for the people of Licking County? It is always about doing the right thing and serving the ‘greater good’.
I have heard it said…”A politician makes decisions with an eye to the next election – a statesman makes decisions with an eye to the next generation” Doug Smith is a statesman!
Whether you are voting an absentee ballot or in person at the polls next Tuesday - I would ask you to consider joining my wife Marianne and me, as we vote for Doug Smith for commissioner.
A final thought - with no disrespect to his two opponents – Doug Smith is by far the best candidate and I’m certain will continue to serve us all well as County Commissioner.
Regards…Tim Bubb
Personal Note from Tim Bubb…
Primary Election Day is next Tuesday, May 4th, and the polling places in Licking County will be open from 6:30am till 7:30pm. Also, more than 11-thousand absentee ballots have been mailed to County voters who requested them. Always a timely reminder to get them finished and in the return mail before or by Election Day.
* Check the Board of Elections website at if you have voting questions or call the BOE staff at 740-670-5080.
People do ask my opinion about the contested commissioner race, which on May 4th will feature a three-person Republican Primary contest for one of the three seats on the Board of Commissioners.
* If you have already voted and/or don’t care about my opinion in this race – feel free to stop reading here or delete. I never mean to impose my opinion, so it is your choice to keep reading!
Thanks for continuing! In the race for commissioner you have an incumbent commissioner and two challengers in the GOP Primary. FYI, there is no contested commissioner primary on the democratic side.
Regarding the Republican Primary - frankly this recommendation is an easy call. By far the most qualified candidate – in all respects - is incumbent Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith. Doug Smith served seven productive terms as a Harrison Township Trustee. He was appointed Commissioner in 2005 replacing Jay Baird, and in 2006 was elected county wide as commissioner.
Doug Smith is an Air Force veteran, a longtime successful local businessman, and is one of the best respected and most well informed people serving in County government. Doug was a true fiscal conservative before that term became just another political buzz word or phrase.
I serve with Doug Smith as commissioner, and I can say, without reservation, that he is one of the most intelligent and thoughtful individuals I have ever met, in any walk of life. He has earned our collective community respect through a lifetime of hard work and achievement!
Let me say simply – Doug Smith is the exact kind of person we all want in public office. Whenever Doug faces a tough decision his first question is always – is it the right thing to do for the people of Licking County? It is always about doing the right thing and serving the ‘greater good’.
I have heard it said…”A politician makes decisions with an eye to the next election – a statesman makes decisions with an eye to the next generation” Doug Smith is a statesman!
Whether you are voting an absentee ballot or in person at the polls next Tuesday - I would ask you to consider joining my wife Marianne and me, as we vote for Doug Smith for commissioner.
A final thought - with no disrespect to his two opponents – Doug Smith is by far the best candidate and I’m certain will continue to serve us all well as County Commissioner.
Regards…Tim Bubb
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
March 30, 2010
Licking County Update
From…County Commissioner Tim Bubb
SPECIAL EDITION – New Jobs for Licking County …
Announcement was made today of a major new business that will locate in western Licking County.
In a cooperative effort the Licking County Economic Development Office and the Ohio Department of Development are welcoming Exel, Incorporated to the Etna Corporate Park off U-S Route 40. They will enter into a long term lease with Prologis to occupy a spec building on the site.
The good news was delivered today by Licking County Commissioner Doug Smith and Lisa Patt-McDaniel of the State Development Department.
Exel, Inc. is making a $16.9-million investment in Licking County, and will over the next three years create some 228-new good paying jobs.
This is a win for Ohio over South Carolina and several other states that were in the running for this development project. A combination of local incentives such as tax abatements and a Joint Economic Development Zone in Etna, combined with State incentives totaling some $572-thousand in the form of Ohio Job Creation Tax Credits and an Ohio Workforce Guarantee were the keys to bringing this major employer here.
The jobs at Exel, which is a leader in logistics, warehousing and distribution in the
U-S and Canada, will begin at $27-thousand per year. Within three years the annual payroll will amount to in excess of $6-million.
In addition to the hard work by the Licking County and State Development professionals, the company cited the outstanding location of Licking County in Ohio and the Midwest, and the excellent available workforce. The company also noted that Ohio’s favorable tax climate for businesses as a plus. Commissioner Smith added, work at the site will begin in three months and the facility will be operating fully by this Christmas season.
As soon as information becomes available on how and when hiring will begin, I will share that information.
Another Informational Note…
In my Commissioner update yesterday March 29th I shared some information from the Licking County Office of Litter and Recycling. It is reprinted below regarding the annual appliance and tire collections.
However, as noted, the appliance collection does not include stereos, small electronics, computers or TV’s.
I heard from one of my many E-Mail Update readers Ryan Meldahl, and he asked me to share the following information…
You may want to put a plug in for the Licking County Computer Society, who is having their bi-annual computer & electronics recycling day on Friday and Saturday, May 7th & 8th from 9:00am to 4:00pm each day.
Location…From the Route 16 Expressway, exit north on Cedar Street. Follow the signs to the corner of Oakwood Avenue and Chester Street. The collection will be at the south side of Contour Forming, the site of the former Heisey Glass Factory.
Note - Televisions, microwaves and Freon containing appliances not accepted.
The LCCS has been doing this, free of charge, for several years now (though we gladly accept financial donations to offset the costs of the drive).
This is a link to the flier:
(REPRINT FYI - April 22nd is Earth Day and County Litter and Recycling is making good things happen)
Licking County Recycling and Litter Prevention has again secured a grant through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to clean-up Newark City Parks. To be held on Saturday, April 17th, the goal is to clean-up 15 Newark City Parks and a stretch of the bike path, to make the area safer and a more environmentally friendly place.
So, after a long winter, it is time to ‘get active’. Here is how you, and your family and friends can help! Call Larry Lloyd to sign-up at 670-5128 by April 9th. They will provide bags, gloves and t-shirts for volunteers. After the areas are picked-up, the debris will be disposed of safely.
Also, note in May the upcoming tire and appliance collection event sponsored by the CFLP Solid Waste District.
On Saturday, May 15th the County Highway Garage at 771 East Main Street in east Newark will be the site for the tire and appliance recycling collection. The time is from 8:00am till 12-noon.
There is a small recycling fee of $3 for non-Freon appliances and $5 for Freon-based appliances, allowing them to be properly recycled. This event will not take stereos, small electronics, computers or TV’s.
The fee for tire disposal is $2 per passenger tires, $2 for light truck tires, $5 for semi-tires and $10 for tractor tires. This is cash only and a $1 fee if the tire is on the rim. This event is limited to Licking County residents only, tires from commercial operations WILL NOT be accepted, and there is a ten tire limit.
Thanks for taking time to read this Special Edition Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Licking County Commissioner
Monday, March 29, 2010
March 2010 Commissioner Update from Tim Bubb
March 29, 2010
Licking County Update
From…County Commissioner Tim Bubb
Officially, it is spring and the early flowers and greening grass support that notion! The old weatherman often described March as the month “when winter and spring slug it out, and in the end spring wins!” With temperatures predicted for the 70’s later this week it looks like we will end March with spring as the winner, and onto better weather in April.
Also, from my family to yours let me extend best wishes for a meaningful Holy Week this week, and a great Easter celebration this coming weekend!
Help Paint a New Portrait of America…
On behalf of the County’s ‘Complete Count Census Committee’ let me remind you this Thursday, April 1st is officially U.S. Census Day. Please fill out and return the brief 10-question Census Form. It is always fair to ask why it is important that every decade, by law, we count the population.
Each year over seven-billion dollars in federal funds comes into Ohio in support of homeless assistance programs, emergency and health services, local school lunch programs and housing programs. For our County and region we need to avoid an undercount, and make certain we don’t lose out on our share of these valuable dollars. In addition, census data guides local planning decisions; is the basis for reapportioning congressional seats; and allows business, social service and non profit organizations to have the data to make critical decisions affecting communities everywhere.
Participation is easy, important and safe. One of the shortest census forms in history, the 2010 Census form takes just a few minutes to complete.
*By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents’ answers with anyone, including other federal agencies and law enforcement entities. Also, it does not ask for social security numbers or income information.
In May and June Census workers will be knocking on doors at homes where the residents don’t return the questionnaire.
For more information about the 2010 Census, visit or
April 22nd is Earth Day and County Litter and Recycling is making good things happen…
Licking County Recycling and Litter Prevention has again secured a grant through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to clean-up Newark City Parks. To be held on Saturday, April 17th, the goal is to clean-up 15 Newark City Parks and a stretch of the bike path, to make the area safer and a more environmentally friendly place.
So, after a long winter, it is time to ‘get active’. Here is how you, and your family and friends can help! Call Larry Lloyd to sign-up at 670-5128 by April 9th. They will provide bags, gloves and t-shirts for volunteers. After the areas are picked-up, the debris will be disposed of safely.
Also, note in May the upcoming tire and appliance collection event sponsored by the CFLP Solid Waste District.
On Saturday, May 15th the County Highway Garage at 771 East Main Street in east Newark will be the site for the tire and appliance recycling collection. The time is from 8:00am till 12-noon.
There is a small recycling fee of $3 for non-Freon appliances and $5 for Freon-based appliances, allowing them to be properly recycled. This event will not take stereos, small electronics, computers or TV’s.
The fee for tire disposal is $2 per passenger tires, $2 for light truck tires, $5 for semi-tires and $10 for tractor tires. This is cash only and a $1 fee if the tire is on the rim. This event is limited to Licking County residents only, tires from commercial operations WILL NOT be accepted, and there is a ten tire limit.
Update on Positive Changes at Licking County Animal Control…
In recent weeks, one fulltime employee and two intermittent employees have been added to the staff at County Animal Control to begin returning the Department to full strength. In the weeks ahead, the new field staff will be training in the variety of disciplines and requirements for these law enforcement related positions. The addition of new personnel will also give the Department the flexibility to move forward with a continuing transition and improvement plan.
The additional staffing of the Department, and the pending training and certification of the new employees in the area of euthanasia by injection (EBI) will allow for changes in the method for euthanasia at the Licking County Animal Shelter. Effective March 31, 2010, EBI or direct injection will be the mandated method for humane euthanasia at the Licking County Animal Shelter.
The only exception would be vicious or dangerous animals that pose a serious risk to the safety of Shelter Employees, and such determination would require a consensus decision of the Shelter staff. The vision is to develop training, procedures and equipment to allow for EBI exclusively, and retire the carbon monoxide euthanasia option.
The Licking County Commissioners and the staff of Animal Control are continuing a process of moving forward to succession planning for staffing, as well as transition to ‘best’ management practices.
Thanks for taking time to read my Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Licking County Commissioner
Licking County Update
From…County Commissioner Tim Bubb
Officially, it is spring and the early flowers and greening grass support that notion! The old weatherman often described March as the month “when winter and spring slug it out, and in the end spring wins!” With temperatures predicted for the 70’s later this week it looks like we will end March with spring as the winner, and onto better weather in April.
Also, from my family to yours let me extend best wishes for a meaningful Holy Week this week, and a great Easter celebration this coming weekend!
Help Paint a New Portrait of America…
On behalf of the County’s ‘Complete Count Census Committee’ let me remind you this Thursday, April 1st is officially U.S. Census Day. Please fill out and return the brief 10-question Census Form. It is always fair to ask why it is important that every decade, by law, we count the population.
Each year over seven-billion dollars in federal funds comes into Ohio in support of homeless assistance programs, emergency and health services, local school lunch programs and housing programs. For our County and region we need to avoid an undercount, and make certain we don’t lose out on our share of these valuable dollars. In addition, census data guides local planning decisions; is the basis for reapportioning congressional seats; and allows business, social service and non profit organizations to have the data to make critical decisions affecting communities everywhere.
Participation is easy, important and safe. One of the shortest census forms in history, the 2010 Census form takes just a few minutes to complete.
*By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents’ answers with anyone, including other federal agencies and law enforcement entities. Also, it does not ask for social security numbers or income information.
In May and June Census workers will be knocking on doors at homes where the residents don’t return the questionnaire.
For more information about the 2010 Census, visit or
April 22nd is Earth Day and County Litter and Recycling is making good things happen…
Licking County Recycling and Litter Prevention has again secured a grant through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to clean-up Newark City Parks. To be held on Saturday, April 17th, the goal is to clean-up 15 Newark City Parks and a stretch of the bike path, to make the area safer and a more environmentally friendly place.
So, after a long winter, it is time to ‘get active’. Here is how you, and your family and friends can help! Call Larry Lloyd to sign-up at 670-5128 by April 9th. They will provide bags, gloves and t-shirts for volunteers. After the areas are picked-up, the debris will be disposed of safely.
Also, note in May the upcoming tire and appliance collection event sponsored by the CFLP Solid Waste District.
On Saturday, May 15th the County Highway Garage at 771 East Main Street in east Newark will be the site for the tire and appliance recycling collection. The time is from 8:00am till 12-noon.
There is a small recycling fee of $3 for non-Freon appliances and $5 for Freon-based appliances, allowing them to be properly recycled. This event will not take stereos, small electronics, computers or TV’s.
The fee for tire disposal is $2 per passenger tires, $2 for light truck tires, $5 for semi-tires and $10 for tractor tires. This is cash only and a $1 fee if the tire is on the rim. This event is limited to Licking County residents only, tires from commercial operations WILL NOT be accepted, and there is a ten tire limit.
Update on Positive Changes at Licking County Animal Control…
In recent weeks, one fulltime employee and two intermittent employees have been added to the staff at County Animal Control to begin returning the Department to full strength. In the weeks ahead, the new field staff will be training in the variety of disciplines and requirements for these law enforcement related positions. The addition of new personnel will also give the Department the flexibility to move forward with a continuing transition and improvement plan.
The additional staffing of the Department, and the pending training and certification of the new employees in the area of euthanasia by injection (EBI) will allow for changes in the method for euthanasia at the Licking County Animal Shelter. Effective March 31, 2010, EBI or direct injection will be the mandated method for humane euthanasia at the Licking County Animal Shelter.
The only exception would be vicious or dangerous animals that pose a serious risk to the safety of Shelter Employees, and such determination would require a consensus decision of the Shelter staff. The vision is to develop training, procedures and equipment to allow for EBI exclusively, and retire the carbon monoxide euthanasia option.
The Licking County Commissioners and the staff of Animal Control are continuing a process of moving forward to succession planning for staffing, as well as transition to ‘best’ management practices.
Thanks for taking time to read my Commissioner Update. Feel free to forward in any direction you would like.
Also, feel free to visit my website …, where I post updates on my personal blog. I will also post them on my Facebook Fan Page, so if you are on Facebook please visit Tim Bubb, Licking County Commissioner.
I can also be e-mailed at, and my desk phone number at the Commissioner’s Office is 740-670-5118.
Best Regards…Tim Bubb
Licking County Commissioner
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snow - snow everywhere!
Growing up in Central Ohio I was always amazed by the ‘old timers’ who talked about walking through snow ‘up to their shoulders’ to get to school.
Well, today’s children (in the three to five foot range) will have similar stories to tell years from now. Indeed, the winter of 2010 will be ‘one to remember’.
While this winter wonderland is beautiful – the down side is that local school districts either have or will this week exhaust their calamity days, and for local governments the extreme cost of dealing with hundreds of tons of snow and ice on area roads will mean less money later this year for paving and road work.
As County Engineer Tim Lollo can explain, there is only so much money to go round each year for road work. So let’s hope the Ohio Groundhog was correct and that spring is not too far away!
Well, today’s children (in the three to five foot range) will have similar stories to tell years from now. Indeed, the winter of 2010 will be ‘one to remember’.
While this winter wonderland is beautiful – the down side is that local school districts either have or will this week exhaust their calamity days, and for local governments the extreme cost of dealing with hundreds of tons of snow and ice on area roads will mean less money later this year for paving and road work.
As County Engineer Tim Lollo can explain, there is only so much money to go round each year for road work. So let’s hope the Ohio Groundhog was correct and that spring is not too far away!
Washington D.C. Port Authority Trip

Last week I was part of a ‘blue ribbon’ group traveling to Washington D.C. to promote the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority, as well as Heath and Licking County. This is part of a continuing and important effort to build federal and state support for the Port Authority (formerly Newark Air Force Base) and the military workloads there, which are now handled by private firms such as Boeing, Bionetics and Goodrich.
This continuing ‘sales’ effort on behalf of our community is intended to keep the local ‘Base’ job center ‘top of mind’ in Ohio’s congressional caucus, both the legislators and more critically their chief staff members. There are times when the opportunity for additional workloads (jobs) can come here and times when the current workloads need to be protected, hence the need to have ‘friends’ in high places, when support is needed.
I was joined on the trip by Heath Mayor Mark Johns, Mike Cadenhead of Bionetics, Charles Dutch of Boeing, Rick Platt the Executive Director of the Port Authority and Ron Sheldon, a Port Authority Board member.
We spent the morning visiting with Congressmen Pat Tiberi, Zack Space, Steve Austria and Bob Latta, and their staffs. In the afternoon we spent considerable time with Senator Sherrod Brown and key staffers, and the Deputy Chief of Staff of Senator George Voinovich.
It should also be noted that Heath Mayor Johns and I had the opportunity to take our presentation to the White House. Thanks to an assist from Senator Brown’s Office we were able to arrange a meeting in the West Wing (White House Office Complex) with Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Affairs/Mayors David Agnew.
Agnew and his staff are the White House points of contact for municipalities large and small, across the nation. As with the members of Congress, we made the case for recruiting more ‘high tech’ jobs for the local Base and Ohio, and related information on the City of Heath and Licking County. We also invited Agnew to visit this area, if and when a trip to Columbus comes together.
As your Commissioner I was pleased with the visit and the many contacts that were renewed. Frankly, such a well organized trip can accomplish more in one day than trying to make contacts from a distance over an entire year. The ‘face to face’ relationships with these key people are invaluable.
This continuing ‘sales’ effort on behalf of our community is intended to keep the local ‘Base’ job center ‘top of mind’ in Ohio’s congressional caucus, both the legislators and more critically their chief staff members. There are times when the opportunity for additional workloads (jobs) can come here and times when the current workloads need to be protected, hence the need to have ‘friends’ in high places, when support is needed.
I was joined on the trip by Heath Mayor Mark Johns, Mike Cadenhead of Bionetics, Charles Dutch of Boeing, Rick Platt the Executive Director of the Port Authority and Ron Sheldon, a Port Authority Board member.
We spent the morning visiting with Congressmen Pat Tiberi, Zack Space, Steve Austria and Bob Latta, and their staffs. In the afternoon we spent considerable time with Senator Sherrod Brown and key staffers, and the Deputy Chief of Staff of Senator George Voinovich.
It should also be noted that Heath Mayor Johns and I had the opportunity to take our presentation to the White House. Thanks to an assist from Senator Brown’s Office we were able to arrange a meeting in the West Wing (White House Office Complex) with Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Affairs/Mayors David Agnew.
Agnew and his staff are the White House points of contact for municipalities large and small, across the nation. As with the members of Congress, we made the case for recruiting more ‘high tech’ jobs for the local Base and Ohio, and related information on the City of Heath and Licking County. We also invited Agnew to visit this area, if and when a trip to Columbus comes together.
As your Commissioner I was pleased with the visit and the many contacts that were renewed. Frankly, such a well organized trip can accomplish more in one day than trying to make contacts from a distance over an entire year. The ‘face to face’ relationships with these key people are invaluable.
County Economic Development
As part of our many ‘economic development’ initiatives, we will be continuing construction of the JRS (Job Ready Site) road in western Licking County (Pataskala and Etna Township) this spring.
Phase one is under construction from Refugee Road north to Broad Street, and phase two from Refugee Road south, to connect with U-S Route 40, will be bid this spring.
We, the Commissioners of Licking County, continue to look to the future. And this ‘development road’, opening one of the prime industrial sites in Ohio and the Midwest, is just part of on-going efforts to position this area as the economy recovers.
Frankly, you can’t sit still when it comes to economic development. Either you are moving forward or sliding backward, in the quest for development.
I believe that a decade from now the jobs and opportunity created by development in areas opened by the JRS Project will mean a great deal to Licking County and Ohio!
Phase one is under construction from Refugee Road north to Broad Street, and phase two from Refugee Road south, to connect with U-S Route 40, will be bid this spring.
We, the Commissioners of Licking County, continue to look to the future. And this ‘development road’, opening one of the prime industrial sites in Ohio and the Midwest, is just part of on-going efforts to position this area as the economy recovers.
Frankly, you can’t sit still when it comes to economic development. Either you are moving forward or sliding backward, in the quest for development.
I believe that a decade from now the jobs and opportunity created by development in areas opened by the JRS Project will mean a great deal to Licking County and Ohio!
County Parks Levy on May Ballot
The Licking Park District has announced the beginning of the process of placing a modest County Park District Levy before the voters. It will be a two-tenths (0.2) of a mill levy issue on the May 4th ballot.
Faced with major budget cuts due to the decline in the County Budget, the District's primary source of funding, the Board of the Park District says they are left with no other option but to seek a countywide levy.
If the levy is not successful in May, the Park District Board says it will have no choice but to close facilities and cease operations in 2011.
To find out more about levy specifics and how you can get involved, please visit … .
Faced with major budget cuts due to the decline in the County Budget, the District's primary source of funding, the Board of the Park District says they are left with no other option but to seek a countywide levy.
If the levy is not successful in May, the Park District Board says it will have no choice but to close facilities and cease operations in 2011.
To find out more about levy specifics and how you can get involved, please visit … .
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Census Road Tour In Newark this Tuesday (1/12/10) - Public Invited - Free Chili Tasting
As a kick-off to the local promotional effort encouraging participation in the 2010 Census – I am posting some information for your information.
Your Licking County Government is sponsoring the local Complete Count Census Committee and helping to coordinate this event.
Attached and also pasted below is information on the 2010 Census Road Tour which will be in Licking County this Tuesday, January 12th over the midday hour (beginning at 11:00am) at ‘The Place Off The Square’ in downtown Newark.
Communitywide participation in and support of the Census (which happens every 10-years) in critical to Ohio and Licking County in many ways – especially in terms of Federal Representation and funding to local communities.
The event this Tuesday includes a free chili tasting and the opportunity to learn about the Census, and job opportunities related to the Census, as well.
If you are available this Tuesday – I would encourage you to attend.
Regards…Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb
2010 US Census Road Tour Event
The Place Off The Square
The Licking County Complete Count Committee, U-S Census and The Place Off The Square (downtown Newark)
will host the 2010 Census Road Tour from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 50 N. Second Street, Newark, Ohio.
The Census Event will also include a Chili Cook-Off with free tasting.
Beginning in January 2010, the 2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour will
travel across the U-S to educate communities about the 2010 Census and encourage
everyone to complete and return the 10-question census when it arrives in March 2010.
The Road Tour will collect images from thousands of participants across the country as
individuals explain why the census will make a difference to them. These images, along
with information from other Road Tour events, will be posted on
At the Licking County Road Tour event, attendees will be able to:
- Learn about the 2010 Census and the positive impact census participation
can have on their local community
- Contribute their voices, pictures, videos and messages to the Road Tour
- See a sample 2010 Census form
- View messages from other Road Tour participants
- Speak with the Road Tour staff and other community members about the
issues that affect them
- Speak with the Road Tour staff about potential 2010 Census employment
Those who cannot attend the event can also participate in the Road Tour Web
experience by logging onto, where they can:
- View messages from other Road Tour participants
- Trace the Road Tour and view its various stops as it crosses the country
- Receive Road Tour updates via Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, You Tube and MySpace
For more information about the Licking County Complete Count Committee or
the 2010 Census, please contact Matt Hill, LCATS Transportation Planner at (740)
670-5191, or e-mail
As a kick-off to the local promotional effort encouraging participation in the 2010 Census – I am posting some information for your information.
Your Licking County Government is sponsoring the local Complete Count Census Committee and helping to coordinate this event.
Attached and also pasted below is information on the 2010 Census Road Tour which will be in Licking County this Tuesday, January 12th over the midday hour (beginning at 11:00am) at ‘The Place Off The Square’ in downtown Newark.
Communitywide participation in and support of the Census (which happens every 10-years) in critical to Ohio and Licking County in many ways – especially in terms of Federal Representation and funding to local communities.
The event this Tuesday includes a free chili tasting and the opportunity to learn about the Census, and job opportunities related to the Census, as well.
If you are available this Tuesday – I would encourage you to attend.
Regards…Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb
2010 US Census Road Tour Event
The Place Off The Square
The Licking County Complete Count Committee, U-S Census and The Place Off The Square (downtown Newark)
will host the 2010 Census Road Tour from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 50 N. Second Street, Newark, Ohio.
The Census Event will also include a Chili Cook-Off with free tasting.
Beginning in January 2010, the 2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour will
travel across the U-S to educate communities about the 2010 Census and encourage
everyone to complete and return the 10-question census when it arrives in March 2010.
The Road Tour will collect images from thousands of participants across the country as
individuals explain why the census will make a difference to them. These images, along
with information from other Road Tour events, will be posted on
At the Licking County Road Tour event, attendees will be able to:
- Learn about the 2010 Census and the positive impact census participation
can have on their local community
- Contribute their voices, pictures, videos and messages to the Road Tour
- See a sample 2010 Census form
- View messages from other Road Tour participants
- Speak with the Road Tour staff and other community members about the
issues that affect them
- Speak with the Road Tour staff about potential 2010 Census employment
Those who cannot attend the event can also participate in the Road Tour Web
experience by logging onto, where they can:
- View messages from other Road Tour participants
- Trace the Road Tour and view its various stops as it crosses the country
- Receive Road Tour updates via Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, You Tube and MySpace
For more information about the Licking County Complete Count Committee or
the 2010 Census, please contact Matt Hill, LCATS Transportation Planner at (740)
670-5191, or e-mail
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